Our Work

WebsiteOf Rock Salt

Rock salt is a website build for a rock party bands, specializing in providing live entertainment for functions in Sydney, the central coast, New castle and hunter valley. They deliver an entertaining show. It is a WordPress website easy to use.


  • Customizable design
  • Enhance functionality of site with plugins with video gallery, event calendar, WordPress makes this possible with plugins.
  • FTP software is not required nor is HTML editing required.
  • Create a new page or blog post, format text, upload images and edit them. Upload documents, video files, image galleries etc. all without the need for additional HTML or FTP software.
  • Admin can set up multiple users for the website and assign access levels and capabilities to each user.

Technologies : PHP, My SQL, Word Press, HTML, CSS

Rock Salt
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Benefits for your business
It's Original And Unique, That Appeals To Your Target Audience.
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