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Mobile applicationOf Quick Chat

In today’s era messaging is not just meant for sending messages, but this process has already advanced one level. Instant messages app have changed the way we prefer to communicate in the past times. Quick chat is also one of the social networking Android application built for real time conversation, send files, images, audios and videos between the friends, colleagues and relatives.

Features :

  • Registration
  • Login
  • Send friend Request
  • Accept Friend Request
  • Send Text Message in Chat
  • Send Image in Chat
  • Send Video in Chat
  • Create Group
  • Add member in Group
  • Send Text, Image and Video in Group
  • FCM Notification for message
  • Update Profile
  • Block Other User
  • User Online and Offline Status
  • Send Emoji in Chat Text

Technologies : Android Studio 2.2, SDK 24, Php (My SQL) Json Parsing, web services

Download now on : Android

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