Hiring Remote Developers

As the world is bidding adieu to the traditional office culture, business organizations should be aware of the benefit of hiring remote developers in COVID-19

The global outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has brought about a huge impact on a large number of businesses and employees and change their way of living. From personal to professional, it has touched every cord of our daily lives. With social distancing being the only rescuer, it became mandatory to change to remote work at a rapid pace.

With each passing day, it becomes clearer that the effect of the pandemic will not die down soon, and hence hire remote software developers is going to be the new normal for quite some time now. Small businesses have realized the importance of having an online presence, as a physical business is facing losses

How to take on the trending culture of hiring remote developers?

Hiring remote developers is changing how the global workspace operates. A large number of workforce is looking towards finding job opportunities with flexible schedules. Flexible work options are a way to allure new employees. Remote work has undergone a lot of changes since the first flexible telecommuting companies showed up.

How to Hire Remotely During COVID-19?

Hire Remotely During COVID-19

Hiring remotely during COVID-19 will naturally involve a lot of trial and error. You need to shape your hiring process with real humans in mind. Put the people at the center of the business to solve most other issues. With good communication, transparency, honesty, and a human approach, you can build a team that can cope up with any storm.

How Offshore Teams are Helping Businesses Tackle Covid?

Most of the companies have started implementing different models of team extension. The companies must address, whether employees are safe and are available to perform critical functions. Collaboration with the offshore development team helps an organization to boost its efficiency, profitability with cost-effectiveness. If you want to develop a mobile application, you can hire remote dedicated Android and iOS mobile app developers from an outsourcing firm. You can completely hand over the project to the offshore team for development, without any worry.  The project is completely under your power as you manage the team when a team manager is ensuring everything is working properly. Instead of hiring new employees in the house isn’t it better that you take the help of offshore mobile app developers for the project development.

Why offshore development is must in COVID-19?

Owing to the COVID-19 pandemic, many companies are open to exploring the concept of outsourcing. Offshoring software development to another country has huge benefits.

Hiring an in-house developer brings additional costs of hiring, training, and housing staff. For a company with a small budget for software development, outsourcing it to offshore web developers is an option to bring down the overall delivery costs. With remote offshore development center setup, companies can hire offshore teams based on the project requirements, engagement models, and cost. SSTech System has people experienced in various emerging technologies that can deliver top-notch service for global enterprises within the company’s budget, as offshore teams use their own hardware and networks, companies need not spend on infrastructure. We as a highly professional software development company, understand the requirement of the clients at every stage and will accordingly fulfill their needs. Entrepreneurs can be assured to receive exceptional operational support at every step. We are well-aware of the market scenario so we are best suited to help save your time, money, and efforts. You can conveniently get a team of highly qualified experts who follow the highest development standards.

What Offshore Outsourcing Will Look Like Post COVID-19?

Hiring Remote Developers

Offshore outsourcing will continue to expand post-COVID-19, it will reach its maximum distribution to start-ups and small businesses. Outsourcing will grow beyond small, temporary tasks. The process of cooperation between companies and outsourcing will change dramatically in the IT industry post-COVID. The trend of offshore outsourcing will seriously affect changes in cybersecurity.

Now let’s look Top benefits of Hiring Remote developers during COVID-19.

  • Approach to the Global Workforce

    Regional proximity often becomes an impediment that significantly restricts the selection of the right candidate, when hiring a full-time employee. This eventually reduces some promising options thereby, making the employers depend on the services which are available locally. However, with hiring remote developers, the case is completely different. Employers can easily reach out to better talents and more knowledgeable brains without any additional expenses. Hiring remote developers offers a chance to go for a professional and competent developer instead of settling for the average ones.

  • Safety comes first

    When you hire remote dedicated developers, you prevent the spread of coronavirus as it is contagious so prevention is better than cure. Avoid physical contact, safety is the priority of each and everyone in such a situation.

  • Easy to manage

    Managing employees and their health is the first priority of any organization around the globe. During these pandemic times hiring, remote developers are hired to ease the development process. The developers are safe and sound and the development process goes on smoothly as well.

  • Improved work quality

    Dedicated remote teams improve employee productivity by 43%. Remote working ensures a better work-life balance which keeps the employees motivated, happy, and focused. Remote employees give better quality work and fulfill their duties regularly with 78% less stress.

  • Increased Flexibility

    Php framework developers, who work remotely brings more flexibility to the work process. They scale up the workflow and are more productive and flexible in their work. Managers don’t have to worry about the lack of communication and reduced productivity.

  • Higher ROI

    Many companies are investing in modern communication and technology as well as collaboration tools like Office 365, Microsoft teams, etc. as remote work has increased due to the Covid-19 outbreak. Remote work means all the decisions will be talked over online like online messaging, online meetings, and online document sharing. When the companies invest in modern communication and technology, the return on investment will be higher especially during such time of coronavirus outbreak.

  • Cost-effective

    When you hire a virtual developer you save a substantial sum of money as he/she does not use any office resources like the building, electricity, internet, etc. It is a significant milestone for any company, even the start-ups with a lower budget. Businesses are sought to assess their condition and establish a plan to reduce costs without losing their profitability in such crucial times when a major economic crisis struck the globe. Outsourcing in this current situation is a competitive and cost-saving technique that is also able to increase the output.

  • Improvement in the efficiency

    There is an improvement in the efficiency of the work, when you select a remote dedicated Codeigniter developer, the responsibility to deliver the project goes to the partner and it makes sure they match all the requirements. The process to track the project becomes quite easy with newer technologies.

  • Flexible Working Hours

    Flexibility in working hours plays a vital role when it comes to increasing the efficiency of the workers. Remote Dedicated PHP developers operate under a strict timeframe to ensure the best output and efficiency standard. The worker is free to choose the timing that better suits his/her lifestyle. On the other side, it is not essential for the managers to keep a strict eye on the working hours of the employee as long as he is getting his deliveries on time. Hence both the employer and the employee are benefitted from the flexibility in working hours.

  • Increase in Employee Retention rates

    Remote employees enjoy a better work-life balance as well as a healthy lifestyle that leads to more employee satisfaction. They generate better productivity and satisfy the employer which eventually, leads to greater retention rates.

The New Blueprint for Offshore Development

Blueprint for Offshore Development

The new blueprint for Offshore development goes beyond hiring offshore programmers to cut operational costs. Partner with an offshore company to build your own dedicated, cost-effective development team to boost innovation across the full gamut of your business.

If hiring remote developers can add more productivity for your business, SSTech System is the right choice for you.

Our bunch of different technologies remote developers is qualified and skilled enough to provide great website and mobile app development services even in times like these. Our remote employees work effectively and stay connected with you via different tools like Skype, Microsoft team, and other social tools to maintain communication.

Reach out to us today for hiring different technology dedicated remote developer’s availability, and we will assist you further.